When things don’t quite go the way you planned….

Our new dog, Twix, has changed our lives…..in so many ways!
The 2014 Reebok Open will announce the first workout on Thursday, February 27th. This is the time of year  that excitement is at an all time high at the box. Everyone has trained hard for these next 5 weeks . Whether the goal is to improve upon last year, qualify for Regionals, qualify for the next round of the Masters or just to have fun , the mood has definitely changed.
Since July of last year, I have been attacking my weaknesses. Working on building up my strength in the off-season and improving upon my gymnastic skills. When Crossfit HQ announced that they would be holding a qualifying round for the top 200 Masters, I was even more excited to be a part of it. The top 100  Masters would get an additional 4 wods to compete in and the top 20 would get the invite to compete in the Crossfit Games in Califonia . I don’t have aspirations to make the top 20 this year but I definitely was interested in making it to the qualifying rounds at least.  Last year I ranked #151 in the world and I set my goal of making it to the top 100 this year.
My Olympic lifting has improved and I felt more confident with my chest to bar pull ups and muscle ups this time around….I felt ready for whatever would be thrown at me this year ……until….
The fall heard around the neighborhood.  Happened on January 16th…..I was taking our new puppy out and I slipped on the deck holding the puppy in my left arm and flashlight in right. Somehow I managed to not land on my puppy (weighing in at 3 lbs) and fell on my tailbone and my arm instead. The tailbone turned the most beautiful shade of purple and blue in the next few days, but it was my arm that was more of a concern. Lifting a dowel over my head hurt so I knew that there was something wrong. Turns out that I sprained my triceps in the fall and so far, no amount of A.R.T. or acupuncture will make the pain go away. It’s sprained and needs time to heal. And time is something that I don’t have much of when the Crossfit Open is 10 days away.
So, I could look at this one of two ways.
1. Cry – have a tantrum about how it isn’t fair that I have spent the last year working towards this moment. Get depressed, eat ice-cream. Game over.
2. Realize that it could have been worse…..I could have squashed my dog and had to tell my kids that mom killed the dog.
The game plan has now changed. I already signed up for the Open so I will do what I can with what I’ve got. 1 rep is still better than 0 reps.
I can still run, I can airdyne (light pulling with the arms) I can do GHDs, I can do box jumps and I can perfect my pistols now.
But really, at the end of all this, the Crossfit Open is really about having fun. Not being able to compete at 100% of my potential is not the end of the world for me. My priorities has always been and will always be ..family, friends and now dog.  It will still be fun for me….especially because I get to cheer and support my favorite people who will be participating this year.
Besides, there is an Olympic Weightlifting event coming up that I’ve already got my eye on entering once I am fully healed.
So, good luck to those who signed up and enjoy the journey!